Hello, I'm

Jesse Moore

I currently reside in Northwest Arkansas and I'm currently learning Web Development through LaunchCode 101 Bootcamp. Check out some of my finished projects below.

Current Projects

Running Stats Server

Typescript, GraphQL, Google Cloud Functions

A GraphQL api that serves personal running data and a webhook that updates running data when a new run gets created.

Running Stats Client

Javascript, React, GraphQL, D3

A single page application that displays statistics of personal running activities.

Past Projects

Rock, Paper, Scissors


A rock, paper, scissors game written in Javascript. The game is played against the computer and the winner is determined by the highest score out of 5 rounds.



A drawing game written in Javascript and modeled after the etch-a-sketch game. Mousing over the playing area, the pixels will progressively increase in darkness. Upon clearing the playing area, it will prompt the user for new grid size.



A calculator app with add, subtract, multiply and divide functions. The app only evaluates a single pair of numbers at a given time. For example 12 + 7 - 5 * 3 = yields 42.